
約翰·洛(John Locke),1632年8月29號出世,1704年10月28號過身,係隻英國嗰哲學家。佢嗰哲學體系都脫大嗰影響到末後嗰伏爾泰、盧梭箇滴子人。
- (1689) 《論寬容》—A Letter Concerning Toleration
- (1690) 《論寬容第二篇》—A Second Letter Concerning Toleration
- (1692) 《論寬容第三篇》—A Third Letter for Toleration
- (1689) 《政府論》—Two Treatises of Government
- (1690) 《人類理解論》—An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
- (1693) 《教育漫話》—Some Thoughts Concerning Education
- (1695) 《聖經裡頭體現出來嗰基督教嗰合理性》—The Reasonableness of Christianity, as Delivered in the Scriptures
- (1695) 《為基督教合理性辯護》—A Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity
- (1660) First Tract of Government (或 the English Tract)
- (c.1662) Second Tract of Government (或 the Latin Tract)
- (1664) Questions Concerning the Law of Nature (拉丁文寫得,末後拕翻譯到英文)
- (1667) Essay Concerning Toleration
- (1706) Of the Conduct of the Understanding
- (1707) A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul’'