
- Sea of Japan - Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs defends the use of Sea of Japan.
- Naming of "Japan Sea" - The Maritime Safety Agency of Japan introduces the justification of the Japan sea(Sea of Japan).
- The Sea of Japan and Koreans - defends the use of Sea of Japan and states other places that could claim East Sea.
- Koreas unite against Japan BBC News, August 16, 2002 - outlines the dispute
- A sea by any other name Guardian, August 23, 2002 - outlines the dispute.
- 日本海呼称問題(外務省)
- 日本海呼称問題(海上保安庁海洋情報部)
- 『國民新聞』 日本海呼称問題関連記事索引 (ページ下部)
- East Sea Map Study - by the Korean Overseas Information Service
- East Sea in World Maps - world maps displaying East Sea or similar names.
- East Sea or "Sea of Japan"? - www.korea.net provides a collection of articles to argue in favour of using East Sea.
- 韓国紙の「日本海・東海問題」関連記事を日本語で読む