檔案:Mauna Loa CO2 monthly mean concentration.svg
原始文件 (SVG檔案,表面大細: 708 × 708 像素,檔案大細:434 KB)
箇隻檔案來自維基共享資源,佢可能拕應用嘚別嗰項目。 佢嗰檔案描述頁面顯示嘚下頭。
簡話Mauna Loa CO2 monthly mean concentration.svg |
English: This figure shows the history of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations as directly measured at Mauna Loa, Hawaii since 1958. This curve is known as the Keeling curve, and is an essential piece of evidence of the man-made increases in greenhouse gases that are believed to be the cause of global warming. The longest such record exists at Mauna Loa, but these measurements have been independently confirmed at many other sites around the world [1].
The carbon dioxide data is measured as the mole fraction in dry air. This dataset constitutes the longest record of direct measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere (regularly updated).The annual fluctuation in carbon dioxide is caused by seasonal variations in carbon dioxide uptake by land plants. Since many more forests are concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere, more carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere during Northern Hemisphere summer than Southern Hemisphere summer. This annual cycle is shown in the inset figure by taking the average concentration for each month across all measured years. The red curve shows the average monthly concentrations, and blue curve is a smoothed trend. |
日期 | |
來源 | 自己的作品. Data from Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL and Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. |
作者 | Oeneis |
其他版本 |
[編寫] Keeling curve
Create this plot
R code
# Mauna Loa atmospheric CO2 change
# multi language plot for Wikipedia
# using different possible sources (Scripps if NOAA is not available)
# Used for https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mauna_Loa_CO2_monthly_mean_concentration.svg
# and related files in other languages. See all files in :
# https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:Other_versions/Mauna_Loa_CO2_monthly_mean_concentration
# Update this script on :
# https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Other_versions/Mauna_Loa_CO2_monthly_mean_concentration.R&action=edit
# Required packages. used for :
library(readr) # reading data
library(dplyr) # data processing
library(ggplot2) # plot
library(gridExtra) # plot positionning
library(scales) # pretty breaks on plot axis
library(lubridate) # date processing
library(httr) # check url
library(Hmisc) # ci from bootstrap
# install all locales beforehand, e.g. :
# sudo locale-gen ca_ES.UTF-8
old_locale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")
# Translations ------------------------------------------------------------
language <- list(
ca_ES = list(
locale_lc_time = "ca_ES.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Mitjana mensual de la concentratió de"~CO[2]),
subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
caption_scripps = paste("dades : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper and A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Visitada", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("dades : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) i\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Visitada ", Sys.Date()),
x = "any",
y = bquote("fracció de"~CO[2]~"en aire sec ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "mes",
y2 = bquote(atop("fracció de"~CO[2]~"en aire sec ("*mu*"mol/mol)",
"desviació de la mitjana anual")),
title2 = "Variació mensual"
cs_CZ = list(
locale_lc_time = "cs_CZ.UTF-8",
title = "Průměrné měsíční koncentrace oxidu uhličitého",
subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
caption_scripps = paste("data : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper a A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Přístupné", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("data : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) a\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Přístupné", Sys.Date()),
x = "rok",
y = bquote("koncentrace"~CO[2]~"v suchém vzduchu ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "měsíc",
y2 = bquote(atop("koncentrace"~CO[2]~"v suchém vzduchu ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "odchylka od ročního průměru")),
title2 = "Měsíční změna (průměrná roční odchylka)"
de_DE = list(
locale_lc_time = "de_DE.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Monatliche durchschnittliche"~CO[2]*"-Konzentration"),
subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
caption_scripps = paste("Datei : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper und A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Zugänglich am", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("Datei : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) und\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Zugänglich am", Sys.Date()),
x = "Jahr",
y = bquote(CO[2]*"-Anteil in trockener Luft ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "Monate",
y2 = bquote(atop(CO[2]*"-Anteil in trockener Luft ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Abweichung vom Jahresmittel")),
title2 = "Monatliche Variation"
en_US = list(
locale_lc_time = "en_US.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Monthly mean"~CO[2]~"concentration"),
subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
caption_scripps = paste("Data : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper and A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Accessed", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("Data : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) and\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Accessed ", Sys.Date()),
x = "Year",
y = bquote(CO[2]~"fraction in dry air ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "Month",
y2 = bquote(atop(CO[2]~"fraction in dry air ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Departure from yearly average")),
title2 = "Seasonal variation"
es_ES = list(
locale_lc_time = "es_ES.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Media mensual de la concentración de"~CO[2]),
subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
caption_scripps = paste("dato : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper y A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Visitada", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("dato : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) y\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Visitada", Sys.Date()),
x = "Año",
y = bquote("Fraccion de"~CO[2]~"en aire secco ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "Mes",
y2 = bquote(atop("Fraccion de"~CO[2]~"en aire secco ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Desviación de la media anual")),
title2 = "Variación mensual"
fr_FR = list(
locale_lc_time = "fr_FR.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Moyenne mensuelle de la concentration de"~CO[2]),
subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
caption_scripps = paste("données : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper et A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Accédé le", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("données : Dr Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) et\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Accédé le", Sys.Date()),
x = "année",
y = bquote("fraction de"~CO[2]~"dans l'air sec ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "mois",
y2 = bquote(atop("fraction de"~CO[2]~"dans l'air sec ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "en écart à la moyenne annuelle")),
title2 = "Variation saisonnière"
nl_NL = list(
locale_lc_time = "nl_NL.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Maandelijkse gemiddelde"~CO[2]*"-concentratie"),
subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
caption_scripps = glue("Gegevens : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper en A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Geopend {Sys.Date()}"),
caption_noaa = glue("Gegevens : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) en\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Accessed {Sys.Date()}"),
x = "Jaar",
y = bquote(CO[2]*"-fractie in droge lucht ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "Mannd",
y2 = bquote(atop(CO[2]*"-fractie in droge lucht ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Afwijking van jaargemiddelde")),
title2 = "Seizoensgebonden variatie"
nn_NO = list(
locale_lc_time = "nn_NO.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Gjennomsnittlig månedlig"~CO[2]*"-konsentrasjon"),
subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
caption_scripps = paste("data : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper og A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Vist", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("data : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) og\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Vist", Sys.Date()),
x = "År",
y = bquote(CO[2]*"-andel i tørr luft ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "Måned",
y2 = bquote(atop(CO[2]*"-andel i tørr luft ("*mu*"mol/mol)",
"Avvik fra årlig gjennomsnitt")),
title2 = "Årlig variasjon"
pl_PL = list(
locale_lc_time = "pl_PL.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Średnie miesięczne stężenie"~CO[2]),
subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
caption_scripps = paste("Dane : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper i A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Dostęp na", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("Dane : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) i\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Dostęp na", Sys.Date()),
x = "Rok",
y = bquote("Frakcja"~CO[2]~"w suchym powietrzu ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "Miesiąc",
y2 = bquote(atop("Frakcja"~CO[2]~"w suchym powietrzu ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Odejście od średniej rocznej")),
title2 = "Wahania sezonowe"
ro_RO = list(
locale_lc_time = "ro_RO.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Concentrația medie lunară de"~CO[2]),
subtitle = "Mauna Loa, Hawaii",
caption_scripps = paste("Date: R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper și A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Accesat în", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("Date : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) și\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). Accesat în", Sys.Date()),
x = "An",
y = bquote("Ponderea"~CO[2]~"în aer uscat ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "Lună",
y2 = bquote(atop("Abaterea cotei"~CO[2]~"în aer uscat ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Abatere de la media anuală")),
title2 = "Variație sezonieră"
ru_RU = list(
locale_lc_time = "ru_RU.UTF-8",
title = bquote("Среднемесячная и среднегодовая концентрации"~CO[2]),
subtitle = "Мауна Лоа, Гаваи",
caption_scripps = paste("данные : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper и A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). доступ на", Sys.Date()),
caption_noaa = paste("данные : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL (https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/) и\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/). доступ на ", Sys.Date()),
x = "Годы",
y = bquote("Доля"~CO[2]~"в сухом воздухе ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
x2 = "Месяцы",
y2 = bquote(atop("Отклонение доли"~CO[2]~"в сухом воздухе", "от среднегодового значения, мкмоль/моль")),
title2 = "Сезонные колебания"
# Data --------------------------------------------------------------------
# First try NOAA data, if not availble use Scripps data
if (!http_error("ftp://aftp.cmdl.noaa.gov/products/trends/co2/co2_mm_mlo.txt")) {
# https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/data.html
source <- "noaa"
co2ml <- read_table(
col_names = c("year", "month", "decimal", "average", "deseason", "ndays", "stddays", "unc"),
col_types = "iidddidd",
na = c("-99.99", "-1"),
comment = "#") %>%
group_by(year) %>%
mutate(year_mean = mean(average, na.rm = TRUE),
delta = average - year_mean,
vdate = ymd(paste0("2015-", month, "-01")))%>%
rename(co2 = average)
} else {
# https://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/data/atmospheric_co2/primary_mlo_co2_record
# used during US gov shutdown
source <- "scripps"
co2ml <- read_csv(
col_names = c("year", "month", "xls_date", "decimal",
"co2_raw", "co2_raw_seas_adj", "fit", "fit_seas_adj",
"co2_filled", "co2_filled_seas_adj"),
col_types = "iiiddddddd",
skip = 57,
na = "-99.99",
comment = "\"") %>%
group_by(year) %>%
mutate(year_mean = mean(co2_filled, na.rm = TRUE),
delta = co2_filled - year_mean,
vdate = ymd(paste0("2015-", month, "-01"))) %>%
rename(co2 = co2_filled)
# Generate the plot for each language -------------------------------------
for (l in names(language)) {
current <- language[[l]]
# format the date in local names
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", current$locale_lc_time)
# main plot
p1 <- ggplot(co2ml, aes(decimal, co2)) +
geom_line(color = "pink") +
geom_point(color = "red", size = 0.6) +
stat_smooth(span = 0.1) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks()) +
labs(x = current$x,
y = current$y,
title = current$title,
subtitle = paste(current$subtitle, min(co2ml$year), "-", max(co2ml$year)),
caption = paste(current[[paste0("caption_", source)]],
"https://w.wiki/4ZWn", sep = "\n")) +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.caption = element_text(size = 7))
# inset plot
p2 <- ggplot(co2ml, aes(vdate, delta)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
stat_smooth(span = 0.4, se = FALSE) +
stat_summary(fun.data = "mean_cl_boot", colour = "red", size = 0.3) +
scale_x_date(breaks = pretty_breaks(4),
minor_breaks = pretty_breaks(12),
labels = date_format("%b")) +
labs(x = current$x2,
y = current$y2,
title = current$title2) +
# merge the plots and export in SVG
p1 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(p2),
xmin = 1957, xmax = 1991, ymin = 361, ymax = 420)
ggsave(file = paste("co2_mauna_loa", l, Sys.Date(), "wp.svg", sep = "_"),
width = 20,
height = 20,
units = "cm",
device = svg)
# return to former locale
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", old_locale)
目標地點 | 19° 32′ 10.31″ 北, 155° 34′ 36.84″ 西 | 位於此地的本圖片與其他圖片: OpenStreetMap | 19.536197; -155.576900 |
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Data source license
These data are made freely available to the public and the scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.
— Pieter Tans, in: NOAA
授權條款 繁體中文
創用CC姓名標示-相同方式分享4.0國際 繁體中文
成立或建立時間 繁體中文
6 1 2019
描述地坐標 中文 (已轉換拼寫)
19°32'10.309"N, 155°34'36.840"W
多媒體型式 繁體中文
日期/時間 | 縮圖 | 尺寸 | 用戶 | 說明 | |
眼前 | 2023年12月15日 (禮拜五) 19:49 | 708 × 708(434 KB) | Oeneis | update 2023 | |
2022年12月22日 (禮拜四) 17:32 | 708 × 708(428 KB) | Oeneis | 2022 update | ||
2022年8月15日 (禮拜一) 08:25 | 708 × 708(427 KB) | Oeneis | update with 2022 data | ||
2021年12月16日 (禮拜四) 22:01 | 708 × 708(424 KB) | Oeneis | update URLs | ||
2021年12月16日 (禮拜四) 19:43 | 708 × 708(421 KB) | Oeneis | 2021 data | ||
2020年10月31日 (禮拜六) 17:52 | 708 × 708(420 KB) | Oeneis | update data 2020-10-31 | ||
2019年7月20日 (禮拜六) 14:40 | 708 × 708(409 KB) | Oeneis | data up to 2019-06 | ||
2019年1月6日 (禮拜天) 11:01 | 708 × 708(407 KB) | Oeneis | full 2018 year data ; data from Scripps due to US gov shutdown | ||
2018年10月21日 (禮拜天) 08:57 | 708 × 708(401 KB) | Oeneis | data up to 2018-10 | ||
2018年1月20日 (禮拜六) 13:49 | 708 × 708(376 KB) | Oeneis | 1958-2017 data |
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- Causes of climate change
- Carbon dioxide
- Greenhouse effect
- Mauna Loa
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Anthropocene
- Keeling Curve
- Mauna Loa Observatory
- Charles David Keeling
- Roger Revelle
- An Inconvenient Truth
- Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere
- Greenhouse gas
- 2016 in science
- Portal:Climate change
- User talk:InformationToKnowledge/sandbox
- Talk:Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere/Archive 2
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闊 | 566pt |
高 | 566pt |